Frequently Asked Questions


  • You can find out about a course details in the respected course page under ‘who is this course for?’

    Additionally, you can send an email with questions or concerns regarding the courses.

  • As a part of our “Need Assessment” process, we interview all applicants in person to reassure that their participation will be beneficial.

  • When available you may book a one to one online meeting with your host / trainer to discuss any concerns or ask questions. When you click on the Complementary Q&A button, you will see a calendar of available times and a short form to inform your host on the topic you attempt to discuss.

  • All interviews and courses within SuperTeachers Academy are held fully online via ZOOM or Google Meet and your course materials are accessible via Google Classroom.

  • We are working hard to ensure we can provide equal opportunity for everyone in Teaching community around the globe.

    As a part of this policy there is a SuperTeachers Scholarship you can apply for. You may visit here for guidance towards how to apply.

    Courses with “Scholarship Available” in their description are eligible for such applications.

  • There are detailed description available under “how to apply” for each course.