How to Foster a Growth Mindset in English Language Learners

Imagine a seed; trivial and unassuming. Yet, with nourishment, it burgeons into a mighty tree. Similarly, the human mind holds boundless potential. As educators, our mission is to water this potential in our ELLs, nurturing them into confident linguists and thinkers. The elixir? A growth mindset.

Strategy 1: Set Achievable Goals

Setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals can be very motivating for students.

Example: Guide your students in setting a goal like “I will learn 5 new English words every day for a month” and celebrate when they achieve it.

Strategy 2: Celebrate Efforts, Not Just Outcomes

Praise efforts and strategies instead of just intelligence or results, as this emphasises the importance of the learning process.

Example: Instead of saying “You’re so smart!”, say “I can see how hard you worked on this essay. Your improvement is fantastic!”

Strategy 3: Promote Reflective Practices

Encourage students to reflect on their learning experiences and think about how they can improve.

Example: Implement a weekly journaling session where students write about what they learned, challenges they faced, and how they overcame them.

Strategy 4: Use Constructive Criticism

Use mistakes as learning opportunities, and ensure that feedback is constructive and guides students on how to improve.

Example: Instead of marking an answer as just “Wrong,” add a note like “Great effort! Let’s work on this concept a bit more.”

Strategy 5: Encourage Collaboration

Foster a collaborative learning environment where students can learn from each other.

Example: Organise peer teaching sessions, where students take turns teaching a concept or skill to the class.

Strategy 6: Equip with Learning Strategies

Teach students various learning strategies and techniques, emphasising that learning is a skill that can be developed.

Example: Introduce them to the SQ3R reading strategy (Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review) for better comprehension.

Fostering a growth mindset in English Language Learners is akin to nurturing a seed into a flourishing tree. By setting achievable goals, celebrating efforts, promoting reflection, employing constructive criticism, encouraging collaboration, and equipping students with learning strategies, we lay the foundation for an enriched learning environment. These strategies water the seeds of potential in our students, enabling them to blossom into self-assured, resilient, and proficient learners.


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