Can Creativity be taught?


Are you a creative person? 

What is creativity? 

Inventing something from an original idea or using imagination is called creativity.

Why is it important? 

Because it unblocks our minds by creating new patterns and alternative solutions to reoccurring or new problems.

Why is it an important skill for teachers?

As teachers we are constantly finding problems and prepare solutions for them. We study all aspects of language that might create problems for our students and stage them in the most appropriate way for them, then introduce the solutions in the most creative way. 

Creativity we add to our lessens help our students learn, digest, understand and remember the solutions we taught them. 

Can Creativity be taught? 

Yes! Just as any other skill can be taught. Although there will always be a part of all skills reserved for talent, it can be learnt and improved or dismissed or forgotten. 

It is also important to remember the road to creativity passes through creative thinking. 

What is creative thinking? 

It is the process of teaching your mind to combine its imagination with an acceptable level of flexibility to brush up its existing skills and expertise into a new appearance. 

What is Expertise? 

Expertise is the mixture of our theoretical knowledge and our experience with applying such knowledge in real time. We might be motivated to acquire expertise for different reasons.

What is motivation?

Motivation is the fuel to all that we do out of love or passion regardless of it having financial or spiritual gain. 

and last but not least; 

How can Creativity be taught?

Creativity happens when the right amount of Expertise, Creative thinking, and motivation meet. 

As you can see throughout these questions and answers, although the components of creativity can be received alike any other skill, it is up to us to combine them and watch the magic happen within us. 

Your turn now! What do you think?

Share your experience with creativity in the comments with me  👇🏻 


Innovation in Teaching